Maniaco Pump
Maniaco Pump
Maniaco Pump
Maniaco Pump
Maniaco Pump
Maniaco Pump
Dark Labs

Maniaco Pump

$49.99 $49.99 $49.99 Sold out



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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Robert B.

I took the Maniaco Pump and I feel the pumps and see the pumps this was the first time at taking Maniaco Pump. The second time taking it, I mixed it with Hooligan good combo solid pumps and good energy. Delivery was slow took almost 10 days to receive and it was clumpy not powdry like other pre's. Over all good pre-workout, taste was real good. I would definitely buy again. Thanks Nurtrial Cartel.

Justin Harvell (United States)

One of the best pump supps I’ve ever used. Highly recommend.

Jay (United States)

I love to stack Maniaco Pump with my regular Maniaco. Best pre workout out there imo. I definitely recommend

JD (United States)
Maniaco non stim

Best pump from a pre I’ve ever gotten

Khalil (United States)
Great pump product!

I’ve been a fan of Garage Gym Homie since 2020, always have to support that brother, he is a gem to the community. I gave taken this for 4-5 workouts now and it has been a great pump product for me! I I have taken it by itself and on top on the Maniaco high stim pre and both have been great experiences. This product came in clutch due to currently trying to decrease my caffeine intake. I will def be purchasing a second tub in the future bc this gives you some nice juicy pumps and great focus! I ordered the mango pineapple and it is tasty. Don’t wait order yourself a tub more and get swole!

Kevin Thompson (United States)
I like it!

You get really good pumps from this and it is a good nootropic that you can actually feel in your head I will definitely buy again good job garage gym homie.

Eric Hagen (United States)
Maniaco pump

Very good pump product

B.A. (United States)
Great effects, bang for buck, and flavor!

This is my favorite pump product now after having used PIMP for a while as well. The extra focus thrown in with this one when used on top of regular maniaco or any other high stim/daily driver pre is 2nd to none. The strawberry lemonade is so good it mixes great on top of any other flavored supplement. Will definitely continue to buy this as I use it up. A half scoop or more of this adds that extra juicy pump for any workout.

David Raymond (United States)
Best pump formula I have used so far

Maniaco Pump is the best pump formula I have used so far. Great endurance, nice nootropic effect, fantastic pumps.

Mark (United States)
This one delivers

I have been looking forward to this product since GGH gave us word of its release.
That day is today.

I went with Mango Pineapple. Not sure what to say, it tastes exactly like it sounds - upfront Mango with a refreshing Pineapple aftertaste. Impressed with the texture since my experience with pump powders have been extremely gritty and poor mixability; this product delivers with no issues whatsoever in that category.
4:45 PM: took one scoop Dark Labs Reloaded and one scoop Dark Labs Maniaco Pump >>> I feel as though this is the perfect combo for someone who doesn't want to only run a pump formula for their workout - my understanding is that GGH made this product specifically for that interoperability - to be stacked.
+30 minutes: after two warmup sets of straight bar curls, it feels like a tennis ball in my bicep (no joke).
+45 minutes: vascularity coming through notably. Fullness of muscles appear flexed while at rest, which gives me a grin ear to ear. A warmth in my face is present as strength is setting in set to set. The star of the show at this point is a pretty remarkable endurance that lasts the entirety of the remaining workout.
+50 minutes: A noticeable sense of well-being/mood elevation joins the party. As if the pumps and muscle fullness couldn't get any better, it does. Keep noticing pronounced veins along my hands and arms. The best way I can describe this is a feeling of appearing 'enhanced'
+60-75 minutes: All of these effects coalesce at this point - pumps, vascularity, sense of well-being, ENDURANCE, strength.
I'm not out here shining no shlongs - this product DELIVERS - it truly exceeded my expectations. Stacking Maniaco Pump with Dark Labs Reloaded was PERFECT (for me).

I think the genius behind this formula is the ability to stack - potentiating the ingredients in Maniaco Pump.