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Kill Switch Pre Workout
Kill Switch is a very aggressive stim junkie pre workout. If you like Euphoria, Venum, Crack, etc. this could be for you!
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Jason Wright (United States) I feel like this hits different than most pre workouts. No crazy heart rate but good energy with extreme focus and well being. Hope it gets restocked
Carlos Pietri (United States) Kill Switch Pre Workout
Ali.G (United Arab Emirates) best pre for 2024 and 2025 so far check out my quick review below
Mike Roberto (Canada) Kill switch
Darron Hertler (United States) Stock up while you can this one is “ not gonna make it “
Papi (Belgium) Hello this is my honest review about Kill Switch - compared to the old Jack 3d this is weaker but still makes u hit the iron and make that extra reps ,feeling is.concentration,light with some little euphoria in the chest ,after u start training your muscles feels ready for the training, definetly got the sauce and in my case i drink half scoop(3g) and is enough for me ,no big cracky crash afterwards ,all day u can do your stuff and be happy that u trained ,also sleep is normal.IT makes me go to the gym for sure wich was what i search for and also the power and endurance ,no elevated heart rate better than Legit :D in my opinion so i give it 10/10
Jerry Loc (United States) For me this Pre is a go to when I want to get a good session in the GYM without the side effects of illicit hi stim Pres.
Great for endurance and clean energy.
This is my once a week hitter, as long they make Kill switch it will be in my rotation.
Devon Hughes (United States) This is a solid preworkout. The first time I took it, I was blown away. I had much Focus and energy. I was feeling music much more, had endurance, and a desire to keep working out It hasn’t felt as potent since then, but is still good. Flavor is sweet, and mixes well
Tim H (United States) Scoop/Taste/Mixing-Flavor was “Star Spangled Bloodbath” i chose that because
I’m an enjoyer of Rocket Pop flavors and it’s fairly safe. Taste was good with sight chemical taste on the back end, not bad at all. Mixed wonderfully with that fine powder leaving hardly anything behind. Scoop doesn’t matter since no serving size is listed so I stacked the scooper within an inch of its life.
Energy-Did not have a sense of urgency kick in, instead I had a sense of clarity kick in. All the sudden my mind was in HD, I heard noting going on around me and at the same time I heard everything going on around me, the being on an island effect. Energy was good and sustained throughout the workout. No highs and no lows, just moving forward, no excessive heart rate outside of movements and no heavy breathing.
Endurance/power output-Both were great for me. Though it might bleed into the focus part of the review, my lifts felt impeccable. My bench setup and form were outstanding and it’s helped the weight move. My shoulders were dug into the bench, arch was great, shoulders blades sucked in, lats flared, elbows in, I felt like a tripod with my point of contact and weight distribution. Weight moved nicely and form did not degrade at any point during the rep, pull down, fast brake on touch and right up again. Can’t say it wasn’t heavy because if that were the case I shouldn’t have bothered putting it as my prescribed weight for the day. Everything just moved well with what felt like flawless execution. Self lift offs were great, bar popped off rack, quick swing out over the body, butt touch into weight transferred into the correct spot
Was ready to go between sets and pacing of minute with no active recovery needed. Went hard on every set till the end. Felt good at the end like I could keep going but I got it done so I settled for some burnouts on pushups
Focus/mood-Outstanding focus and mind muscle for me. I was one with the bar and it did my bidding. No other deep thoughts other than getting back to it for the next set or exercise. I was in the moment. Mood great, I was loving what I was doing and doing what I loved. It’s hard to be in bad mood on Christmas though
Pumps- Pumps were fine. I looked like I worked out post session. Execution of movement led to blood flow in muscle. No ingredients to help in that department
- [ ] Overall- As you can tell, it worked well for me. Now is it the be all and end all GOAT, probably not but it was a damn great experience a 5/5, 10/10 workout because it helped me do what I wanted to do with no skips or staggers at any point. Lover the focus and workout ability it gave me. It’s right up there with Alpha Neon Onslaught and Ultima in that regard but we’ll see if it has the legs to conquer the rest of the day like those do.
- [ ] In terms of hype. I’d say it somewhat lived up to it, for me anyway. I cant imagine wanting more that I got out of it which was a pretty flawless workout session. Last year at this time we had the Juice’d hype and that too lived up to its billing for me as far as the illicit, out of control feeling it had, it just wasn’t as real world practical as this one. I’ll throw leg day at Killswitch next to see how it holds up to that. Overall I’m 100% satisfied and the naysayers and hype machine did not bring this down.
Mark (United States) It was a great training session. Put in a lot of volume, did not feel exhausted or tired. It will certainly push you to the limits