I have tried NUMEROUS nootropic/focus powders from a variety of different companies over the years. This particular product caught my eye because the ingredients/dosages were cleverly put together, so I bought it immediately. I expected it too work, but I underestimated how well it worked for me personally. I work with numbers (accounting basically) all day, took when I went into work and absolutely ripped through everything in about 4 hours. No crash, a bit of a subtle "euphoic walking on cloud feeling" that I noticed when I started walking around (probably because I didn't move for 4 hours lol). So the first time taking it, it was really solid.
Second time I tried it, I took it before the gym, pretty dialed in and enhanced mind-muscle connection (wouldn't necessarily recommend it for strength-based training, more hypertrophic and contraction-based training)
Third time I tried it, I was writing up an article review for my doctorate. This time, the initial power from the first few scoops was diminished a bit, but by no means eliminated. It still works extremely well, I found it to be a bit more "comfortably manageable" since my body has adjusted to it.
Overall, solid. Its a very clever label, and probably in my top 5 nootropics in recent history.